Use of this website is deemed acceptance of the terms of this agreement without limitation.

Intellectual Property Rights

Nibras owns and reserves the intellectual property rights in the website and all of its information and material, including but not limited to text, documents, graphics and information contained in hyperlinked files, (the “Published Information”)

The use of the Published Information on the website is limited to personal reference, research, information and/or educational purposes only.

The Published Information on the website shall not be used for any commercial purposes, including but not limited to; selling, distributing, or republishing the Published Information, and is not disclosed to any third parties.

Limitations of Warranties and Liability

The Published Information is provided on an “as is” basis, and Nibras gives no guarantees of the currency or accuracy of the Published information. Nibras may amend or delete the Published Information without notice.

Nibras disclaims all express and/or implied warranties and conditions with regard to the Published Information.

Nibras shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever and howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from the Published Information or from use of the website.

Nibras does not accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to data or computer systems which may occur from using the website or the Published Information, and disclaims all express or implied warranties that the website and/or the server that makes it available is free of malicious software.

Website users will hold harmless and indemnify Nibras from and against damages based in use of the website or the Published Information.

Third Parties

Nibras may include hyperlinks to third-party websites on the website. Nibras is not responsible for the content or reliability of these third-party websites and/or does not endorse the website linked to, (or any products and services referred to in that website), and does not imply that there is an association between Nibras and the operators of that website.

Electronic Versions of Documents

The electronic versions of Nibras documents published on the website are for personal reference, research, information and/or educational purposes only. The definitive version of any Nibras document is the original printed version held by Nibras.

Applicable Laws

This agreement shall be covered by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Arab Emirates. Any dispute arising under this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the United Arab Emirates, Dubai.


Nibras may revise the terms of this agreement without notice. The latest version of the terms can be located on the Terms & Conditions page of our website.

Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between website users and Nibras in relation to use of the website and supersedes all previous agreements in respect of same.

If there are any questions regarding these terms you may contact us using the information below.

Wallada Bint-Al Mustakfi

Hay al-andalous



+218 214 775415



Last Edited on 09th July 2024